As kids grow, it's crucial to balance the urge to guide and protect them with being intentional about stepping back to foster their sense of agency and resilience. Here are resources to share with students and parents to help foster student agency and independence.
Shareable Video for Students
Alongside intern Kiven Nieves talks about the power that comes from knowing when to ask for help.
Shareable Tips for Families and Community
Share these tips for teens and families to help foster agency and resilience. Resources are provide in multiple formats -- choose whatever version works best for you!
Social Media Infographics (1200x1200 png)
PDF shareable document (8.5x11")
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Copy and paste the text below to share the conversation tips.
Stepping Stones to Independence
As kids grow, it's crucial to balance the urge to guide and protect them with being intentional about stepping back to foster their sense of agency and resilience.
El Camino Hacia la Independencia
A medida que los niños crecen, es importante hallar un equilibrio entre el deseo de guiarlos y protegerlos y la necesidad de tomar distancia para estimular su autonomía y resiliencia.
Encourage Decision Making
Involve your child in the decision-making process when making plans that impact them or the family as a whole.
Fomentar la toma de decisiones
Involucra a tu hijo en el proceso de toma de decisiones cuando hagas planes que afecten a él o a toda la familia.
Teach Problem-Solving Skills
Instead of telling your child what to do, ask open-ended questions that nudge them to think critically when facing challenges.
Enseñar habilidades para resolver problemas
En lugar de decirle a tu hijo lo que debe hacer, hazle preguntas abiertas que lo alienten a pensar de forma crítica cuando afronte retos.
Model Self-Advocacy
Draw attention to the ways you advocate for your own needs by explaining your actions and thought process to your child.
Modelar la autodefensa
Muestra a tu hijo de qué modo defiendes tus derechos, explicando tus acciones y tu forma de pensar.
Give them Responsibilities
Empower your child to take on age-appropriate responsibilities, such as managing their schedule and handling small tasks at home.
Dar responsabilidades
Capacita a tu hijo para que asuma responsabilidades acordes con su edad, por ejemplo gestionar su horario y ocuparse de pequeñas tareas en casa.
Establish Open Communication
Let your child know that their opinions matter and that you’re there to listen, not just to instruct. Prioritize asking questions more than giving advice.
Establecer una comunicación abierta
Hazle saber a tu hijo que sus opiniones importan y que no estás a su lado sólo para darle instrucciones, sino para escucharle. En lugar de ofrecer consejos, haz preguntas.