As ESSER Funds Run Out, Stronger Connections Grants Roll In
With ESSER and other COVID-relief funding for schools drying up, K-12 school districts are looking for new ways to pay for chronically needed student mental health support services. According to EdWeek research conducted last Fall, more than a third of respondents indicated they need to rely on local tax revenue and federal Title I funds, while roughly 1 in 5 had plans to turn to private donors and nonprofits in hopes of making up the difference.
One major federal program that is helping to fill the void is the Stronger Connections grant, part of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act passed by Congress in 2022. The Stronger Connections grant provides funding for programs and services that promote safe, healthy and supportive learning environments that positively impact student well-being and academic outcomes.
Overseen by the Department of Education, the program has awarded $1 billion in grants across 56 US states and territories. Each state’s education agency is responsible for dispersing the funds to school districts by September 30, 2026 through a competitive application process.
Who is Eligible?
The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) requires states to define “high-need LEA” for the purposes of eligibility for Stronger Connections funds. A “high-need LEA” is typically characterized by high concentrations of poverty and one or more of the following characteristics:
- Need for additional mental health staff, which may be demonstrated by a high student-to-mental health professional ratio
- High rates of chronic absenteeism, exclusionary discipline, referrals to the juvenile justice system, bullying/harassment, community and school violence, students experiencing homelessness, students in foster care, or substance use
- Geographic areas where students recently experienced a natural disaster or traumatic event.
How Funds Can Be Used
LEAs that receive a grant under this program can use funding to support a range of activities that promote safe, healthy and supportive learning environments. Allowable uses of the grant money include hiring counselors, therapists, and other personnel as well as procuring resources such as digital mental health support access for students. In Texas, districts receiving funds are required to select services from an approved list of vendors.
Where and When are Funds Being Issued
While some states have not yet begun issuing subgrants to districts and schools (e.g. Illinois and South Carolina just opened their applications), others are well underway. So far, Stronger Connections grants have been awarded to hundreds of applicants across the country, from large urban districts like Miami-Dade County Public Schools to small rural districts and charter schools. Check with your state education agency to find out where your state is in the process of making awards.
Already a Stronger Connections recipient? Invest in services you can sustain in the long run…
How Alongside Reduces Tier 2 and 3 Mental Health Service Needs
An innovative and cost-effective solution, Alongside is an app that leverages AI to give all students access to high-quality mental health support and skill building that is personalized, culturally relevant, and available to them 24/7 all year round. Designed by mental health clinicians with ongoing input from teens, the product provides highly effective prevention and early intervention for common mental health challenges, such as stress and anxiety, that almost all adolescents face.
With an effective digital intervention, schools can offer personalized prevention and early intervention to all students. Over time, this can result in a reduction of the Tier 2 and 3 caseload for school mental health teams while meeting every student’s needs in a cost-effective way.