Community Resources: Summer Reflection Tips for Teens and Families

Community Resources: Summer Reflection Tips for Teens and Families

As your school community transitions to summer break, it's a good time to remind students and their families about the importance of taking time out to pause, reflect on the past school year, and reset before the next one begins. Activities that promote reflection contribute to positive mental health and can go a long way towards strengthening family relationships. Here are a few resources you can share in your school or district newsletters, social media and other channels.

Shareable Video for Students

Alongside student adviser Ava offers 3 tips for teens to engage in healthy self-reflection as they transition from one school year to the next. Share this video with students to encourage a mindful start to summer break.

Shareable Tips for Families and Community

Share these reflection tips for teens and families to encourage mindfulness and meaningful connection this summer. Resources are provide in multiple formats -- choose whatever version works best for you!

Social Media Infographics (1200x1200 png)

PDF shareable document (8.5x11")

Prefer to use a text only version?

Copy and paste the text below to share the summer reflection tips. You can share these all at once or break the tips up into separate social media posts throughout the summer months.

Summer Reflection: Tips for for Teens and Families
Reflexión de verano: Consejos para adolescentes y familias

1. Ask Reflective Questions

  • What were you most proud of this past school year?
  • What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
  • Is there anything you wish you had done differently?
  • What are you most looking forward to next year?

1. Haz preguntas reflexivas

  • ¿Qué te ha enorgullecido más de tu año escolar?
  • ¿Cuál fue tu mayor reto y cómo lo superaste?
  • ¿Hay algo que desearías haber hecho de otra manera?
  • ¿Qué te gustaría hacer el año que viene?

2. Reminisce About the Past

  • Create a scrapbook or video highlighting achievements, trips, and other memories
  • Tour childhood landmarks
  • Tell stories about past experiences

2. Recuerda el pasado

  • Crea un álbum de recuerdos o un vídeo con tus logros y otros momentos importantes
  • Recorre lugares emblemáticos de tu infancia
  • Cuenta historias sobre experiencias vividas

3. Be Mindful of the Present

  • Set aside time to disconnect from devices and be present together
  • Spend time in nature
  • Make nourishing meals using fresh, seasonal ingredients
  • Volunteer for a cause you care about

3. Presta atención el presente

  • Dedica tiempo a desconectar de los dispositivos para estar presente
  • Pasa tiempo en la naturaleza
  • Prepara comidas nutritivas con ingredientes frescos
  • Colabora como voluntario en una causa justa

Why Summer Reflection Matters

  • Summer break provides a valuable opportunity for families to pause, reflect on the past school year, and reset before the next one begins.
  • Activities that promote reflection contribute to positive mental health and can go a long way towards strengthening family relationships.

Beneficios de reflexionar

  • Las vacaciones ofrecen una valiosa oportunidad para que las familias hagan una pausa, reflexionen sobre el pasado curso escolar y se reorganicen antes de que empiece el próximo curso.
  • Las actividades que fomentan la reflexión contribuyen a una salud mental positiva y a fortalecer las relaciones familiares.

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